Andrey Yu. Tzvetkov
Key legal practices:
- Real Estate
- Bankruptcy
- Protection against hostile takeover
- Arbitration
- Contract Negotiations
The Law firm PRESIDENT CONSULT has been operating since 2003. Having no commercial, public or state entities as co-founders helps us to maintain professional impartiality and independence. There are certain competitive advantages that made our clients rely on us and brought us absolute recognition.
Our team has 20 years experience in the industry
We bring together a great team of more than 30 legal specialists in such areas of expertise as Real Estate, Construction law, Corporate law, Taxation law, Legal support of Investment projects, Debt recovery, representation of our clients’ interests in court and in state authorities.
Combined with the international experience of our team, we are ready to provide full support to your projects abroad and have the services provided in English and German languages.
Key field of practice are complex transactions
Our team has successfully carried out complex projects that were categorized as “hard to impossible” by some other firms in spheres of economic disputes, bankruptcy related services, complex transactions. Our team’s efforts make PRESIDENT CONSULT and its clients winners of over 200 lawsuits every year.
Pre-trial settlement of disputes
A significant part of cases our firm supports are being negotiated and settled out of court with our team efforts. This efficient approach helps us save clients time and money whenever the out of court resolution is possible.
Social commitments
PRESIDENT CONSULT supports on a regular basis the activities of the charity foundation “Orthodox Detskaya Missiya” (Children’s Mission), which received the blessing of Metropolitan Vladimir of Saint-Petersburg and Ladoga, as well as other public projects.
What our clients may expect when they turn to us is legal support that is designed to meet specific client needs and serve its key interests, and carried out to comply to the specific practices of the industry our clients belong to.
Whenever solution is possible we will be the one to find it for you.
Key legal practices: