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The main functions of the state antimonopoly bodies are the prevention, restriction and suppression of monopolistic activities and unfair competition. Antimonopoly authorities are extensively empowered to fulfil these functions. With these management instruments and control, the state can significantly influence the activities of organizations when identifying violations of antimonopoly laws.

The State ensures the antitrust legislation compliance with certain procedures, such as initial approval to acquire shares in the authorized capital of commercial organizations – that constitutes one of the possibilities for the state to control over the antimonopoly law abidance. In other cases, the antimonopoly authorities may serve as an effective tool in protecting a company’s interests. .

PRESIDENT CONSULT provides legal support in the following types of antimonopoly matters:

  • Preparing and filing in applications to certain antimonopoly authorities assuring the expedited approvals.
  • Representing clients’ interests when they are charged with violation of antimonopoly law.
  • Resolution of disputes with Contesting of the actions of the commercial enterprises in antimonopoly bodies, including the disputes in the sphere of State Orders.
  • Resolution of disputes with Contesting of the decisions/actions of Antimonopoly bodies by administrative and court procedures..
Прочитано 4684 раз Последнее изменение Среда, 26 Февраль 2014 08:32