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Legal support of transactions

When drafting and negotiating a contract for your company our team in PRESIDENT CONSULT makes sure the latest legislation is in place. The legal “purity” check for the acquired transaction target is enforced when required, with our lawyers ensuring all the procedures are in compliance with the current applicable legislation. Our staff will consider possible negative effects of the transaction, as well as possible default by a counterparty, and elaborate the system of security measures. In order to establish a comfortable contractual relationship between the parties our lawyers will carry out an analysis of the future taxation.

Improper or insufficient professional attention to any side of the transaction mentioned when drawing, negotiating and closing the deal, might cause the termination of the transaction, loss at both parties and application of the state penalties. .

We provide you legal support at any stage of the transaction, representing the client’s interests in negotiations and elaborating the documents. Participation in the level of pre-contractual negotiations will assure the following advantages:

  • Professional legal assessment of the transaction clauses and this in turn would significantly decrease possible mistakes when closing the deal;
  • Having the legal representatives of both parties serves to clarify and expedite transaction negotiations.

Applicable legislation and Dispute resolution

In certain cases, a foreign legislation could be applied when conducting certain transactions depending on the condition. A lot of transactions in M&A are carried out under British law, even having the Russian companies as parties; that gives room for predictable results with the wide range of possibilities provided by the British legislation.

PRESIDENT CONSULT cooperates with foreign law firms with reputable legal practices in foreign jurisdiction. Having this cooperation we ensure our clients receive high edge legal support in international transaction, in case a dispute arises, and in case the contract is executed under the foreign legislation.

As per parties decision the contract dispute might be submitted to arbitration tribunal. The articles and constitution of the court of arbitration “Smolninsky” was established by PRESIDENT CONSULT, the powers of the court can be attributed to the resolution of disputes in the areas of Civil law, including contractual disputes. At the same time we provide professional mediation to settle disputes at a pre-trial phase.

We provide the following services in Contract law:

  • Elaboration of the pre-contract documents (Preliminary agreements and consents);
  • Representing the interests of our client at all stages of contract negotiation and transaction closure;
  • Drafting double side and multiple-side agreements subordinated to Russian or Foreign legislation;
  • Legal “purity” check for the transaction targeted acquisition;
  • Representing the interests of clients in negotiations of the contract;
  • Representing our clients interests in pre-trial and trial contract disputes resolutions..

Examples from practice

Прочитано 4509 раз Последнее изменение Четверг, 06 Март 2014 10:22