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Intellectual property is the legal term referred to the exclusive right of the private person or legal entity for results of intellectual activity. Under this category a number of assets are considered such as brand and trademark, clients’ database, corporate management strategy, certain corporate documentation etc.

One of the considerably common ways to protect the right on intellectual property is a civil suit; the suit procedure includes the proof of the infringement, reimbursement of the complainant and the legal ban to further action violating the intellectual property right. The suits for such cases are complex as a rule; the specialists in this area are expected to be knowledgeable both in law and in modern science and technology. Being quite a common practice the suits in this particular area are not a hundred percent efficient for some reasons; that fact made our team work on the efficiency and develop the effective ways of intellectual right protection both with administrative and criminal procedure, employing the most current legislation.

PRESIDENT CONSULT team provides the following services for Intellectual property protection:

  • Consulting on the intellectual property registration and assignment of copyright;
  • Extended expertise and drafting the copyright agreements and licensing agreements, franchise agreements, trademark transaction etc.;
  • Legal expertise of the marketing campaign;
  • Drafting and legal expertise for the advertising agreement;
  • Representing the clients’ interests in Antimonopoly authorities and in Arbitration court regarding illegitimate use of trade mark, industrial designs and samples and violations of Law on Advertising;
  • Representation of mass media in court on trials for defamation and business reputation damage claims;
  • Assessment of intellectual property;
  • Consulting on inventory of intellectual property;
  • Claims to Antimonopoly authorities of the Russian Federation, related to unfair competition and trade secret confidentiality violations;
  • Assistance in the detection of the infringement of registered trademarks, copyright and related rights violations on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  • Legal services to repress the patent, copyright and trademark infringement with administrative and criminal procedures.

Examples from practice

Прочитано 4182 раз Последнее изменение Среда, 26 Февраль 2014 08:33