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Given to the global financial crisis foreign investment looks less attractive comparing to the forecasted stability in economic indicators for Russia, who gains the popularity for investments, in particular in the production sphere. The latest trend shows a growth in foreign investment and reinvestment, i.e. the return of funds accumulated in Russia by the use of foreign financial instruments.

Specialists of PRESIDENT CONSULT will conduct a comprehensive legal review of the project (due diligence), both for the acquisition and preparation for the sale, will also carry out the valuation and provide the legal support in custom clearance, registration and other procedures to support the investment project.

We provide legal assistance at all stages of the project:

  • Extensive legal expertise of the investment targeted enterprise;
  • Development of the investment scheme;
  • Valuation of the business, amount of investments required, shares, fixed assets etc.;
  • Drafting the documentation for the completion of the investment project (preliminary agreements, contracts, incorporate documentation, etc.);
  • Consultation in Real Estate;
  • Shareholders’ meetings organization and holding, planning and organization of other project related meetings;
  • Extensive legal support regarding the Securities emission and placement;
  • Extensive legal support of restructuring the enterprise;
  • Customs process support;
  • Legal and technical support for the registration with Taxation Authorities, the Central bank and City Real Estate Registry (GBR), etc.
Прочитано 4616 раз Последнее изменение Четверг, 06 Март 2014 10:25