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With any enterprise striving s to protect themselves from business risks and financial losses there is a need for qualified legal support. The company might proceed with the creation of the company's own legal department or outsource a law firm.

The first solution is not always the best; for a firm to have its own legal department, might appear economically unprofitable and highly specialized at the same time. As business is often unpredictable, companies might find themselves looking for a lawyer who is specialized in the particular area of law and well familiar with the specifics of the particular company.

That makes subscription of legal services a preferable option for quite a number of companies.

The advantages of the subscription legal service

  1. The subscription fee is comparable to the salary of one qualified lawyer and does exclude paying a payroll tax.
  2. The capacity and experience of one lawyer or legal department of the company might be limited when comparing to the capabilities of the legal firm and the cumulative experience of its lawyers provided on subscription.
  3. The subscription is flexible to clients needs: whenever the situation requires the increase in the number of lawyers, the law firm providing services quickly manages the team and redistributes its work among its specialists, while the client is not required to pay any additional costs of employing and then dismissing the extra legal staff.
  4. Lawyers working on subscription would not require additional time familiarising themselves with the specifics of the client’s activity as the general client enterprise’s information had already been received before while providing services to the client, whereas third-party lawyers might require additional time and information.
  5. Our staff provides exceptional services both in English and German, whenever it is convenient for you and meets your business needs.

The conditions to the subscription

  • We provide two lawyers for each subscribing client company. This improves the quality of work and eliminates possible obstacles which might’ve been caused with the temporary absence of one of the lawyers (holidays, business trips, sick leave etc.).
  • At least one of two assigned lawyers and the Head of the Department are available at any time during business hours for your convenience.
  • We engage various specialists employed in our firm in a timely manner in case their service is required for your case. That wouldn’t involve any additional charges for the client.
  • The assigned lawyer works not less than a day per week in the client’s office. The time might be prolonged if required by the contract or necessity for the task.
  • Our employees are provided with access to a complete set of legal databases, communication equipment, we continuously make sure that our staff under go retraining hence removing that burden from the client.
Прочитано 4429 раз Последнее изменение Среда, 26 Февраль 2014 08:40