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If your entity already has a lawyer, it doesn’t mean that we don’t consider you our client in arbitration disputes.

Arbitration goes beyond the boarder of legal actions set by law; it is a kind of an art; an arbitration process would demand a solid knowledge, experience, high degree of involvement and a certain kind of affection to it. Lawyers equipped with arbitration background would foresee the changing directions of the process, identify the approach of the judge and find the only possible and legally correct solution.

We have been involved with a significant number of cases when the arbitration knowledge, experience and the skilful evidence presentation by our legal team had turned the initially unfavourable for our client’s case into a winning one supported by the court.

Reputation matters when you employ a lawyer for a trial, the underlying psychological side of the process depends on it - these both give certain tactic advantage in trial and eventually bring favourable results. PRESIDENT CONSULT achieves positive results in over 200 lawsuits every year.

Our lawyers:

1. Represent the interest of our clients in arbitration courts of all levels and in General Jurisdiction courts for a numerous categories of disputes, some of which are:

2. Monitors the execution of court resolutions;

3. Represents clients’ interests in pre-trial settlements with state bodies and commercial entities.

Our legal team successfully represents the interests of physical bodies in General Jurisdiction courts in disputes on family law, sometimes having a foreign citizen as one of the parties. 

Smolninskiy Commercial Court of Arbitration

One of the services we provide is economic disputes resolution in Smolninskiy Commercial Court of Arbitration, constituted under PRESIDENT CONSULT. The jurisdiction of the court includes a majority of disputes in Civil law, except for mandatory cases addressed to other court institutions by law; the exclusion would constitute bankruptcy trials; creation, reorganization and liquidation of legal entities; shareholders and joint-stock ventures disputes etc.

The advantages of Commercial arbitration over the court of arbitration are:

  • The resolutions are final and are not to be appealed;
  • The court is allowed organize the assize sessions;
  • The court provides resolutions in a timely manner;
  • Less formalities in the process.

Execution of resolutions of Arbitration and Commercial arbitration are both guaranteed by law.

Our Arbiters are highly qualified lawyers with significant background in the area of commercial circulation; they provide impartial and professional resolutions on economic disputes in timely manner.

When requesting disputes resolutions in Smolninskiy commercial court of arbitration, make sure to include the clause which prescribes...? into the text of the agreement (or the additional agreement). The recommended wording would be:

“The disputes on this particular agreement, and disputes arising from it are being resolved at Smolninskiy Commercial court of Arbitration (St Petersburg, Shpalernaya st, 60A, prem 61H), in accordance with its bylaws. The resolution of the court of arbitration is final and is not to be appealed.”

The bylaws of Smolninskiy Permanent Commercial Court of Arbitration under “PRESIDENT CONSULT” Ltd., and the appendix on tollage and expenses are provided on demand 

Examples from practice

Прочитано 4696 раз Последнее изменение Четверг, 06 Март 2014 10:23